Here is a tiny list of the things I've been the most grateful for in 2014.
These are just the ones on the top of my mind.
I've been to new York in May with my Mom. Even though I missed a craft fair I was supposed to sell at, it is a fond memory.
There was some tensions between my Mom and me during the trip but now, I'm glad we did this together.
I took tons of pictures, I spent 3 days by myself in New York because my Mom had to work and it was the first time ever I spent alone time in the US, even though it was like my 12th trip there, it was the first time I explored an american city by myself. It was awesome. Everything is different when you travel alone. And it took me out of my comfort zone, which is something I should do more often.
One of the things I'm so happy about in 2014 is that I got to meet my friend Kathleen in person after 7 years of talking on line. That is one of the most thrilling moments of 2014, if not the most thrilling. This girl is the best. Kind, intelligent, gorgeous, sweet... You name it... I just love her!
I could go on and on about her but I think I still couldn't explain how glad I am that our paths finally crossed and how awesome I think she is.
Here is my best purchase of 2014. Not only was it a steal (90€ in the end) but it is something I wanted for looong time!
The day I got it was a true peak of excitment!
My best purchase of 2013 was unmistakably my tablet. Even though it was a bit pricey to start with I still use it all the time and get so much stuff done with it.
What a month we spent in Chicago! I work all year for this. These moments in the US. I was not disappointed once again. What a gorgeous city. We did so many great things.
I'm also very happy I worked as a salesperson this year. I found a steady part time job for 2015. I'll be working 24hrs a week at a job I like and will have a steady income of money that will allow me to breathe. Not worrying about money will be a new thing for me.
Here is the last thing I'm elated about. My shop. I passed the 1000 sales mark this year. Had a bunch of new customers. It was also my 3 year anniversary. I think this is the thing I'm most proud of in my life, my craft.
There will be tons of posts like that here and there from bloggers. :) I just couldn't resist making one. It was a great year. What will 2015 have in store?