jeudi 29 mars 2018

In repair

My grand pa bought a plant and we did some damage while repoting it.
I salvaged the fallen pieces and I am currently trying to propagate them.
Meanwhile the plant has completely died. :/

Another casualty of our amateur gardener hands is my jasmine plant. It completely dried out. I gave it a long bath and after a few days I noticed a few sprouts. It is now alive and well. Hopefully for long. It is my oldest plant, and it's barely one yo. :/ Boy, do I suck at this gardening thing. But I love it.

mardi 27 mars 2018

Flowers and Books

Just a couple of pictures to say I fell in love with Irises this winter...
Being bulb flowers, it means I should be able to enjoy them next year also. Yay!!! :)

 These are my favorite readings of 2017.

and these, all of my readings from 2017.
I have so many books to read now. About a hundred.
The bookcase I got in october is already full... and most of my to read pile is not even in it..

dimanche 25 mars 2018

Craft Projects and Else

Here are a bunch of my last crafting endeavours.
I bought a Corolle doll to make clothes for her, and maybe one day sell some on eBay. 
A co-worker got me into this. She collects Corolle dolls and wanted me to try my hand at making clothes for them.
So far the clothes I made are pretty wonky. I need to try harder!!!!

I'll take this opportunity to say that my indoors pictures with the Olympus OM2 seem finally better. Not all of them of course, but I have the feeling I finally improved from my constantly blurry and dim indoors pictures.

I loom knitted a new sweater with the leftover yarn I had from the first one. The sides look kind of weird but I like the stripes.

After selling a custom made painting to Quebec, I made a couple more just for fun. I love working with pastels.

Not a craft project but I'm pretty happy with these spices clips.

jeudi 22 mars 2018

Austin Souvenir

I had this huge canva I didn't know what to do with. During our trip in Austin we collected a lot of food wrappings, bus schedules, business cards, paper towels, Hobby Lobby receipts , well , pretty much anything. 
I used all of this 'trash' to make this very personnal souvenir of Austin.
I got crazy with Mod Podge and Voila!
A unique memorabilla that reminds us of what we did in Austin, what we ate and drank(lots of beer).
We installed it over the couch and greg and I both love it and plan on doing one for each trip replacing the one from the year before every time.
I did a small one from our trip to Chicago in February. It is so much fun to do and it is so cool to have this memories on display at all times.

lundi 19 mars 2018

Once in a while...

Once in a while I get crazy with makeup and my camera when I'm home alone. 
I have so much fun doing these. 
I'll probably do more very shortly. ;)


samedi 17 mars 2018

2018 Goals

Is it to late to reflect on 2017 and set goals for 2018?
Let's say it's not. I am so behind on posting here.

2017 ending in a perfect way. I did something I wanted to do for a very long time.
Greg and I made music. Him at the upright bass and me singing.
We've been together for 5 years and we said we would do it and never got to just go ahead and do it.
It's done! I can cross it off my bucket list and hope it will happen again before the new year.

Here are my goals for 2018:

  • Read 60 books
  • Take 500 film pictures
  • Reach 300 sales in my  Etsy shop (I am currently at 218 sales)
  • Visit Chicago in the winter ✓
  • Gardening goals: sprout lots of seeds, have a ton of flowers in the window, buy a passion flower plant and don't kill it this time. Discover new plants/flowers.

One of my goals has already been reached very recently (Chicago!!!). And I'm on the right track to accomplish the 500 film pictures goal. Since my current count is about 300.
Let's see how it goes.

mardi 13 mars 2018

dimanche 11 mars 2018

It took me six months... Austin, last roll

We got back from our trip to Austin about 6 months ago and I just got the last roll back. I didn't take many pictures through october to january. :/
But snow in Paris and a trip to Chicago in February got me back on track. I have 8 rolls of film being processed right now.

Our beverage of choice while in Austin: Big Wave beer!!!

Night activity: knitting!

I picked some seeds in Austin and will shortly be putting them in soil. I can hardly wait!

This ends the chapter on Austin, where I spent a very relaxing time.
We still don't know where we'll be going next september. We're thinking about it but it doesn't come as easily as usual. I'm no worried, we'll find a place. :)