vendredi 29 janvier 2016

Zenit 12XP

Apart from the fact that I can't use this camera properly, it works! My last endeavour with a zenit was a big fail because the camera didn't work properly, this time I only have myself to blame.
Most of the roll came back blank.
I'll try again soon and maybe read the manual first this time. :p

mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Black and White

A while ago I treated myself with a black and white roll(Kodak TMax). Here is the result.

I am amazed at how sharp the contrast is, that is when I was able to focus my camera just right.
I have another three black and white rolls on their way.

dimanche 24 janvier 2016

New Year's Eve

For the first time ever, I spent New Year's Eve with only one person. Usually I try to find a party or organize one to celebrate the New Year with lots of drinks, people and hopefully some dancing.
This time Greg and I wanted something quiet and intimate

In the end 2015 has been pretty rough. I was kind of glad it came to an end and I must say I have a lot of hopes for 2016. My number one hope would be to find a steady job with a good schedule and decent pay, oh and part time as well. I realize it's a lot to ask but right now, that's what I really want. And I have the feeling it's not in the cards for me any time soon. I thought I was so close though. 

We had a lot of bubbles and I shot a ton of pictures (of myself...). 

Even got the Zenit out. And this one works!

We sang, that was fun.

More bubbles!
My Mom got us champagne glasses for Christmas, I think I'll take every opportunity I can in 2016 to use those glasses and celebrate more things! I'm eagerly waiting on my online shop to reach the 2000sales mark, I have another 150 to go. I believe in it! :p


vendredi 22 janvier 2016

Christmas Eve

I didn't quite feel the Christmas spirit in 2015. I felt kind of sad and sick (probably because of the oysters) on Christmas Eve. Christmas day was not better, we went to meet my grand father, my dad's father, and my parents found him in a coma on his bed. He's going downhill since.

I like making presents more than receiveing them. I also love wrapping them. And I get so nervous and exhausted by the time my family opens them that I usually throw up. I fought it hard this year, it worked. But I felt like crap all night. I'll stop whining now.

Greg and I took a walk with my Mom before dinner and I really didn't want to and was pretty sulky about it. I really don't know why, I couldn't feel the joy this year (well, last year now).

My Mom's ladybug slippers.

Traditionnal picture of my Grand Pa opening the oysters.

Daughter and father.

My dad. :)

I am glad the holidays are behind us. 2016 started way better than 2015, and right now I'm really counting my blessings. 
I realize nobody's smiling on my pictures... Whoa.... It wasn't such a sad Christmas, really! It wasn't the best but it was not that bad.

mercredi 20 janvier 2016

New Style

Sometimes you get inspired to try new things... After a good day of Christmas shopping and walking in Paris I tried my hand at a new style of drawing. It was refreshing and so different from what I usually draw.

The link between the drawings and this drink is that they both happened on the same day.

'You bore me with your questions'

Lately I've done a lot of retail therapy and it worked like a charm. I guess it is just the fact of getting out of the house and doing something different than sitting on the couch, trying to work and ending up playing the Sims, which in the end doesn't feel very good.

With the sales going on I scored a few items I really wanted like the sweater of my dreams and an essential oils diffuser. I also got six rolls back from the lab, that means some new material for this little outlet of mine that is this blog.