I didn't quite feel the Christmas spirit in 2015. I felt kind of sad and sick (probably because of the oysters) on Christmas Eve. Christmas day was not better, we went to meet my grand father, my dad's father, and my parents found him in a coma on his bed. He's going downhill since.
I like making presents more than receiveing them. I also love wrapping them. And I get so nervous and exhausted by the time my family opens them that I usually throw up. I fought it hard this year, it worked. But I felt like crap all night. I'll stop whining now.
Greg and I took a walk with my Mom before dinner and I really didn't want to and was pretty sulky about it. I really don't know why, I couldn't feel the joy this year (well, last year now).
My Mom's ladybug slippers.
Traditionnal picture of my Grand Pa opening the oysters.
Daughter and father.
My dad. :)
I am glad the holidays are behind us. 2016 started way better than 2015, and right now I'm really counting my blessings.
I realize nobody's smiling on my pictures... Whoa.... It wasn't such a sad Christmas, really! It wasn't the best but it was not that bad.