mercredi 20 janvier 2016

New Style

Sometimes you get inspired to try new things... After a good day of Christmas shopping and walking in Paris I tried my hand at a new style of drawing. It was refreshing and so different from what I usually draw.

The link between the drawings and this drink is that they both happened on the same day.

'You bore me with your questions'

Lately I've done a lot of retail therapy and it worked like a charm. I guess it is just the fact of getting out of the house and doing something different than sitting on the couch, trying to work and ending up playing the Sims, which in the end doesn't feel very good.

With the sales going on I scored a few items I really wanted like the sweater of my dreams and an essential oils diffuser. I also got six rolls back from the lab, that means some new material for this little outlet of mine that is this blog.

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