In May I travelled to Bretagne with my Grand Pa. To sum it up it: oysters, ice creams and beautiful scenaries.
These pictures were all taken with my Zenit 12xp. I was relying on my Canon A1 but the three rolls I shot with it came back blank. I'm glad I took the Zenit, even though I put a lot of efforts in taking pictures with the Canon.
View of the Mont Saint Michel from the road.
Yes, you're in for another photo dump.
The cutest of them all aka my Grand Pa.
We got stuck there for a week or so because the people who deliver gas to gas station went on strike and it soon became impossible to find gas for the car anywhere around Cancale. It could have been worse; :p
Saint Malo.
New purse!
Wonderful Dinan! Very steep but so worth it!
Market day.
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