dimanche 16 octobre 2016

In Between Trips

I just got back from Alsace on the far east of France and I'm leaving for Memphis on Tuesday. 
I'm very confused right now :)
Yesterday I got back all of my film pictures from Toronto from Sepetember and I'm about to list a few posts (all of them if I can) to relate our trip to Canada.

It feels good to be home, I'm loving more and more this little apartment of ours in the heart of Paris. I have so many ideas for it. Basically we need more storage space. And I also need less stuff.
When I come back from Memphis on November 4th we're planning on cleaning the place up and making room for what is important.
That's the cool thing about travelling, somehow you take the time to think of home and new plans to make it better. It actually works with life in general. Travelling gives you perspective on your life.

I haven't had much time to reflect on our one-month-stay in Toronto. We just went through all of the pictures with Greg and came to the conclusion that we didn't enjoy this city a lot. Last year we went to Portland,Oregon, Greg liked it better. I didn't. But we both agree that so far, none of them beat Chicago.
We tried to think of reasons why, we are not quite sure. It got to the point where I'm quite afraid to go back to Chicago and find out I don't care about it as I used to. We are planning a winter trip. When, we don't know, but I'm certainly hoping it will be next February. If I'm still as much in love with Chicago as ever during the winter, I know it's the city for me.
It won't change a thing though, we're not planning on moving there but it's nice to know that somewhere on this planet there's a place you love with all your heart and when you feel blue you think of these streets and these parks and you feel better just knowing they exist.

After all the turmoil my kitty went through during our vacation in Toronto, he came home safely and he is back to his normal self. I am so relieved.

Ok, now I'm off to hopefully list a bunch of posts about Toronto.

(These pictures were taken in late august, just before our trip to Toronto)

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