samedi 28 janvier 2017

More Doll Hats

I'm still loom knitting like crazy. Here are a few of my earlier efforts. More doll hats.
I received a couple of larger looms in the past days but I'm still waiting on the biggest size to finally make hats for humans. In the meantime, I'm making socks for me and hats for my Spongebob plushies.

Isn't he handsome in his flowery hat? :p

mardi 24 janvier 2017

Christmas Day

Greg and I spent Christmas in my family. One thing's for sure, I still can't take decent pictures indoors.

Chocolates, they barely survived Christmas.

My beautiful Grand Pa

One of my favorite things about Christmas.

My Dad.

A special guest.

Hungry men.

My Mom served us a Fondue Bourguignone. What a brilliant idea!

Here is my favorite gift I got for Christmas. Four Spongebobs plushies from Greg. I love them. They are so soft and cute.
I always say I wish my cat would have eight 'minions', eight mini versions of himself actually, following him around. Greg gave me four Bobs instead. I'm waiting on another four to make it eight. :)

My Mom. Not a very flattering photo...

Spongebob love.

My brother, probably having a bad case of food coma.

That was my Christmas. Lots of food and wine, like every time I visit my family.
 I realise I didn't take a single picture of Greg... I'll make up for it during the year. :p

dimanche 22 janvier 2017

Homemade Christmas

For Christmas 2016 I wanted to give as many homemade gifts as possible.
I gave my Grand Pa a clay Devil I made a while ago. Since he likes witches, I thought it would be a good idea to give his devil a friend so I made him a little witch.

I made all the Christmas cards myself with construction paper, glitter sticks, acrylic gems and my beloved glue gun. I really love how they turned out.

For Greg, I made this picture of him with construction paper. He loves racoons even though he has never seen one in person, that's the tragedy of his life. :p I scanned the image and made him a coffee mug via vistaprint. Now he has his face in a frame AND on a mug.

Via Vistaprint as well, I made these two pictures book. One for my Grand Pa with the film pictures I took on all of our trips from 2014 to 2016. It was awesome to relive these moments making the book and picking out the pictures. 
I made one for my brother from our trip to Memphis.

I made these two drawings in 2005 and I remember my Mom wanted them at the time and I never gave them to her. Christmas 2016 was finally the right time. So I framed them and she got them by the Christmas tree.
It was a very nice Christmas, I'm still waiting on the pictures I took that I dropped at the lab. I really want to share one (four actually) of the gifts I got. ;)

vendredi 20 janvier 2017

It's been a while...

...since I took series of selfportraits. I miss it, it is kind of liberating.
Here are three I took in December.

mercredi 18 janvier 2017


In December I reached my 2000th item sold on my online shop. So we celebrated with oysters and Bourgogne Aligoté. I opened the oysters myself. They were delicious.

Making a tartiflette.
Tartiflette is a very rich french dish made of cheese, potatoes, onions, thick chunks of bacon and white wine.

I saw my friend Koddou the other day, we went to the 'Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature' (Hunting and Nature Museum), we didn't see much since we talked the whole time inside the museum instead of looking at the exhibits, then we talked some more walking along the Seine.

Goodbye 2016 readings! I already sold the books I didn't quite like or didn't find important. I'm starting afresh. 

Colorful bricks on the streets of Paris.

My first real attempt at painting... It's not a master piece but it's better than all my previous attempts.