mardi 24 janvier 2017

Christmas Day

Greg and I spent Christmas in my family. One thing's for sure, I still can't take decent pictures indoors.

Chocolates, they barely survived Christmas.

My beautiful Grand Pa

One of my favorite things about Christmas.

My Dad.

A special guest.

Hungry men.

My Mom served us a Fondue Bourguignone. What a brilliant idea!

Here is my favorite gift I got for Christmas. Four Spongebobs plushies from Greg. I love them. They are so soft and cute.
I always say I wish my cat would have eight 'minions', eight mini versions of himself actually, following him around. Greg gave me four Bobs instead. I'm waiting on another four to make it eight. :)

My Mom. Not a very flattering photo...

Spongebob love.

My brother, probably having a bad case of food coma.

That was my Christmas. Lots of food and wine, like every time I visit my family.
 I realise I didn't take a single picture of Greg... I'll make up for it during the year. :p

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