mardi 1 avril 2014

L'Arbre Orange, Getting Inspired, and Cheese Puffs

Today I've been getting brooches ready (40 pieces) to send out to a Bourges shop. I'm very excited! The lady managing the shop is very nice and her ethics are the same as mine! We both want the prices as affordable as possible! Everybody should be able to afford handmade things.
I hope she'll like my brooches. Here is the flyer of her shop.

Lately I've been trying to use the supplies I already own instead of buying new ones all the time. It's hard to work with things you had lying around for a while. They are not as inspiring.
I came accross this illustration I don't remember where and it really struck me.

So I decided to pick beads and try to work out a design from them. For example I had these that somebody gave to me. They are not beads I would have bought for myself but since I have them, why not do something with them?

They inspired me a portrait brooch of course. Since they have fire on them, I thought of a Rock and Roll chick with leopard print clothes. Here's the result:

Same thing with these. I think these beads are really pretty but I never use them.

So here's what I did with them.

It's very satisfying to take some old stuff and get inspired. And it's pretty interesting to work out a design around it.

I've also been cooking and I tried my hand at 'gougères'. They are little cheese puffs. They are delicious and very fun to make!

Mine look like poop but they were yummy none the less. :)
I found the recipe here.

That's it for today. I have so many ideas and so much stuff to do!!! :D I'd better be going! ;)

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