vendredi 9 janvier 2015

Looking For Inspiration...

Lately I've been feeling uninspired. I've been saying it a lot on here, I should probably stop because it's getting depressing! :) 
I thought it would be a good idea to draw again. Doing something creative with my day always helps me feeling better. Since I had no idea about what to draw, I tried to find some pictures off the internet to inspire me.
 One of the most inspiring person out there for me is Marguerite Gisèle. I love her blog and her pictures. It's always my go-to website when I feel uninspired. So I selected a picture and tried to draw it.

A few months ago I did this drawing:

I had a lot of fun doing it and it was inspired by Maguerite Gisèle as well. 

So I did another version with a twist.

I also googled 'teal haired girl' to find new pictures and came upon this one that I liked:

Here is 'my version':

And I got the idea for the last drawing I did from Google typing 'pink haired girl'. I found this:

And did this:

It was nice to try my hand at these. I'm definetely not good at realistic drawings.
But it is fun to see the original version and mine.
At least it got me to draw again.

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