vendredi 2 janvier 2015

Melted Scoubidou (Plastic Craft String) Bangle DIY

Here is a fun little DIY I came up with. I had tons of leftovers scoubidou threads, I wish I could say from my childhood but they are actually from college. :p And I bought a bunch last summer to try out this idea of mine.

First you'll need scoubidou threads of course, a rather tall pastry cutter with the right diameter for your wrist (my pastry cutter is 7cm in diameter and 5,5cm high) and cooking paper as well, the white kind to prevent the plastic to stick to the metal pastry cutter.

Wrap the metal cylinder in the paper. Put the excess paper inside the cylinder as shown on the pic.
Now you're ready to wind your threads around it.

Insert the ends of the threads in between threads so it doesnt unravel and stays in place.

I think that the most threads you put, the better the results are. So you'll get a nice chunky bangle. If you only put a few they tend to melt more quicly and it turns out not as pretty.

Now you're ready to put it in he oven. It's important that the cylinder is high enough so the plastic won't touch the oven tray. I put paper underneath in case the whole thing melts away and ruins the tray.
Our oven pretty much sucks, the heat is very uneven in it and I'm not sure when I turn the knob to 200°C it actually get to that temperature. Anyways, I left the bangle for approximately 15-20mn until the threads were nicely melted together. I had to turn the cylinder maybe three times during the cooking process. I don't know if I would have to do that in a better oven because once again the heat is really uneven from one spot to another in our crappy oven.

Once it's 'cooked' I put the whole thing under water running from the tap. Be careful not to touch the plastic with the oven mit. While under the water you can take the bangle and paper off the pastry cutter.

And tadaah! Here's your bangle! :)

You can make all the color combinations you want and even use see through threads with glitter. :)

Have fun! :)

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