mardi 30 juin 2015

Little Things

Umm, what a common title...  
Anyway! A week ago I planted a few seeds on our window sill and I've been watching them grow ever since. It's so silly and yet so captivating to me. 

A few days ago.


In a few weeks now, I will have a bunch of red flowers at the window. How cool is this going to be! Last year I planted basil and my Mom killed it when I let her take care of it while I was away last september. :)
Flowers will be a nice change, especially since I don't cook as much as I used too, I don't need basil anymore.

Last year an online friend gave me this flamingo in exchange for a piece of the jewelry I make. What a good deal!! It had been sitting sadly in the bathroom ever since I got it, it was time it got some fresh air.

My brother gave me a cat brush for my birthday and Hopi has been a lot more affectionate towards me since I started using it. He now climbs on my lap and asks for attention, something he never did to me. To everyone else yes, but not me.

For a few weeks I bought tons of craft supplies off eBay. I needed that so bad to get inspiration. :p My case was empty now it's packed with stuff! And it's not even over! I'm waiting for a lot more stuff.
I bought way too many frogs though... Stupid auctions, so addictive! :)

I won a second contest on Instagram and got these babies! They are body sprays by the brand Payot. I just discovered this brand I didn't know it even existed. 
The pink bottle is a jasmine and white tea fragrance and the green one is green tea. My favorites! Jasmine and green tea! Couldn't be any better!
They smell heavenly of course, I can't wait to really try them! I'll sure bring them along on my trip to Portland in September  ;)

I had lunch with my Mom yesterday and we did a bit of shopping since the sales season started here in France and she bought me this dress. I'm 31 and it's only the second dress I own. I've spent my whole life covering my legs during summertime and wearing jeans.
I use to feel very self conscious about the hair on my legs. I don't shave I use an electric thingy that pulls hair out (don't know the word in english), and it's never neat. I also do it when it's absolutely 'necessary' and my legs look like the yeti's. It's ridiculous really, why should I care for a bunch of hair here and there on my legs? Who's going to look closely enough to notice them?
It's really hot here in Paris, I couldn't possibly wear jeans. :p
That's it for today. :)

vendredi 26 juin 2015

Walk In Père Lachaise Cemetary With Celia

This morning I finally found the courage to go back to the Père Lachaise Cemetary in Paris to take more pictures (I'm having the hardest time getting out of bed lately). I went there a month ago and took a bunch of pictures with my Zenit EM. It was the first time I was using it and I wanted to do a test roll. But last week end, I wanted to unload the film but I broke it while rewinding it. Apparently this is a common problem with the Zenit.
I finished the second roll today and looked at the manual before rewinding the film and finally manage to do it. Victory!
It's kind of cool because I shot the broken roll in a hurry in order to drop it as quick as possible at the photo shop to see if the camera was still working. So I shot pretty much anything. Today with the new roll I took my time. Blessing in disguise I guess.

I took Celia with me. I figured she would be happy to get some fresh air. ;)
I got Celia through an Instagram giveaway. She's a little orphan from Dark Manor Dolls and I'm very happy to have her with me. 
I love it when mausoleums are made or part made of glass, it's always so dainty.

Last time I came to le Père Lachaise I was looking for this tomb. It's my favorite. I've been coming to the cemetary to see it for about 10 years now. But last time, I couldn't find it. I spent hours there and I just couldn't remember where it was. This morning I just walked straight to it by chance. I was so happy to see it again. I hadn't for years.
The funny thing is I walked past it last time. I took pictures of the statues that were right next to it and didn't see the Angel. It was just a few feet away. 
The statue must have so beautiful in the past. It still is. A few years ago the angel still had an eye, a very realistic one too. I saw that they redid the glass roof, probably because they buried someone in 2013. I thought this tomb was not used anymore because it's so old and the last person to have been put to rest there died ages ago. It's pretty tragic too, the family buried four little girls there, from age 11yo to 7months old, four sisters. Marie Louise, Uma, Emma and Elvina .It's always very moving to come here. The tomb said that their mother would probably not survive these events, and that we should pray for her.

Celia making friends.

Pretty flowers growing in between graves.

This guy scared the hell out of me.

I finally found a spot where Celia could stand and pose for me. :)

I really had a blast. I spent three hours walikng around and I wish I could have stayed longer but I was pretty hungry and out of film in the Zenit. As always I cannot wait to get my film pictures back. I need to drop them at the shop first maybe. :p
I'm glad I found the Angel tomb I was looking for, and I'm glad I brought Celia. Now I need to plan our next adventure.

lundi 22 juin 2015

Shopping Spree + Fun Day + Crappy Pictures

Today I took the day off. Wow! It's been a while. :)
In the morning we went to the movies to see the new Pixar movie, Inside Out. It was OK. I really enjoyed the concept of showing emotions as characters. It was fun to see what was going on in people's heads and what was their response in the outside world (not sure what I'm saying s very clear but I'm quite sure my english is getting worse every day...). I was not a big fan of the epic adventure that was going on though. When Joy and Sadness find themselves far away from the headquarters and have to go back that is.
It was just the typical quest story that you can see in tons of movies.
That being said, there was a lot of awesome things and ideas. And I can only imagine all the research that has been done to transcribe the psychological construction in such an accurate and original way.

We spent the all day in Les Halles area. There is a bunch of my favorite shops there. It's a very hectic district of Paris with tons of shops, restaurants, tattoo parlors and a million other things.
I loaded up on Lov Organic teas since I was all out and picked a new flavour I had never tried before tonight and it's yummy! It's almond Rooibos. Trully delicious!!

Then we went to Cash Express, a second hand shop. I bought a bunch of DVDs and I found what I was looking for!!!

A new Ipod!! (Well, not new technically...) Mine died on me about a month ago and I was crushed. How weird it is to walk on the streets with no music in your ears. I wanted the same one and this one was the only one in the store for a pretty good price. Half the price that it's worth everywhere else.

Once at the register I even got a little discount because it was sold without the charger but the salesperson gave me a brand new charger anyway. They are always so nice in this shop! That's were I got my Canon Rebel for 90€! 
It works perfectly, I loaded all my music already, I'm so excited. :)

And here is the last batch of brooches I made for my Etsy Shop.
This week is awesome so far! :p Tomorrow I'll be sewing all day, which is always exciting and on Wednesday I'm having lunch with my Dad and his Dad. I'll take the time to go take pictures in the Père Lachaise cemetary before I meet my Dad. Now that I've got a new MP3 player, it will be even better!

Have a great week!

dimanche 21 juin 2015

Birthday Lunch

Yesterday we got together with my family for my birthday. We ate good food, drank good wine, chatted and laughed. Everything I wanted :)

My parents just got back from their vacation in Spain and brought me back this beautiful ring.

Hum, garbage picture. :) I had a little mishap with one on the cameras I brought, the Zenit EM. The roll broke, and I had to throw it away. Of course it had all 24 poses used up. They were mostly picture I took in the Père Lachaise Cemetary, so I gues I'll have to go back. I'm not even mad.
Now I (think I) know how to properly roll back the film into the canister so it should be fine for the new roll I put inside.

My Grand Pa blowing bubbles :)

I forgot to share these but I made these brooches a few days ago.
I'm thinking of lauching a crowd funding. I've been dreaming of getting a button making machine. But these babies are very expensive. As I siad it before, I'd like to expand the jewelry line I make with my drawings. I'd love to use them to make buttons, mirrors and magnets.
I'm not very confortable with asking strangers for money though. So I thought it would be a better idea to do it as some kind of pre-sale/ pre-orders. For every euro I get from someone, the person will get it back in merchandise.
And most of the merchandise will be stuff I can not yet make because I don't have the machine.

In other news my faithful ipod died on me. I had it for eight years I have so many great memories linked to it. The stickers it bears for example. The lady bug on the flower , it was the first sticker I put there. I remember exactly in what circumstances. I was sitting on the stairs of the Saint Quentin en Yvelines (the city where my college was)  theather with two very good friends, I had probably just bought the stickers and stuck one there.
The smiling piece of candy my brother put it there on a trip in the US with my parents. We were in the car probaby in Montana. I had bought stickers, I told my brother to pick one and decorate my Ipod with it. Then he made me guess which one. :)

vendredi 19 juin 2015

Birthday Post

Today is my birthday I'm 31 and I feel like I'm still 25, maybe 26. :)
I spent a fun day, running errands all over Paris. I didn't work much, but that's OK.
I don't really care about being one year older, I feel fine with where I am and who I am today. I have a lot of projects in mind (Trip to Portland, expanding my jewelry shop, planning a new trip for next year, starting my own company for real this time, shooting more film pictures...). I have a lot on my plate and it feels great. Plus I'm the youngest of the people I hang out with, and this feels fantastic all year round! ;)

We stopped by Marks and Spencer and I loaded up on tea. I'm almost all out. That was a close one!
Next stop Lov Organic on Monday!

Last week I worked a lot on my cabochon jewelry. I made a bunch of new drawings and made rings.
I really want to expand this section of my shop. Maybe open a whole new shop only selling these. I've been thinking about buying a button making machine. You can also make mirrors with them and other items, and I'd love to do that. But the complete set (machine + supplies) is a little over 600€. So I'm still wondering if I should do it. Especially since I don't have a 'regular' job, 600€ is a lot of money, a whole month expense actually. I need more time to think about it.

Here are the original drawings. I'm waiting on more supplies to make more necklaces and I'll be all ready to go to use all these.