samedi 20 février 2016

My Old Home

Three years ago I left my appartment and came to live with Greg in his in Paris. It was a rough move for me to do but Greg didn't want to leave Paris at the time and since I want to work here, it seemed like the clever thing to do. My own place has since been left unattended with a lot of my stuff still in it. It has been breaking my heart ever since to just think about this desolated place remaining of another life.

A few weeks ago I got a call from my brother saying he was sick of his current home and town and he'd like to move in my old home since I wasn't using it. It was an awesome piece of news for me. I will gladly clear the whole place for him and give him the keys.

My appartment is in a rural little town, 50miles away from Paris. The town is really pretty and a pleasant place to live. It's quiet, with a lot of nature. The picture above is the view from the living room. The building is right in front of a school and you can hear the children playing in the yard during recess.

First things first, we have to pack everything away and clean the place. It's filthy, 3 years of dust and stuff scattered everywhere that I didn't need. We've been there a couple of weeks ago for starters just for one day, I filled 5 HUGE garbage bags of stuff I wanted to get rid off. I never thought it would be so easy to sort everything out and throw away so much stuff. I even made a bag of clothes I want to donate.

It feels so good. To know that my once home will soon be my brother's home. He has so many plans for it. He's already talking about painting the place different colors. I never really cared about the white walls.
I won't have to feel scared about this place being trespassed anymore. I know it's silly but I was afraid people could just burglerize my appartment. There haven't been that much to steal anyway, but still.
And it feels so good as well to finally sort all of my things out and get rid off the superfluous.

Me in the restroom. The decor will have to go. I don't know how long my brother plans on staying there but I guess more than I figured, since he wants to bring all of his furniture and take out all of what's mine, crazy restroom pictures included. Not a problem, I'll have to do it sometime, I'd rather do it now, for him.

It's not clear but it's a sausage in a napkin. The day we went there we had a blast at the end of the day, with wine, sausage and music till maybe 3am.

We went back to my place today. I took all of these pictures down. I can't wait to hang them in our own home whenever this will happen. Until then, they'll be packed away in boxes. I have a few old engravings that I'm dying to frame and hang up in my future art studio.
Actually I'm dreaming of a bigger place with a room all to myself with all of my books and my craft supplies. It could be a long time before this happens. -_-' But it will, our current place is so old it's falling to pieces.

This is one of the best things that could ever happen this year. It doesn't feel quite real anymore but I'm pretty sure it will again soon. We have still so many things to do. But we're getting there. I bet next time we go there to clean, we'll be really close to my brother moving in. I'm suprised, I really thought I had so much more crap ;)

jeudi 18 février 2016

To the movies

A few weeks ago we went to the movies twice, the first one we caught was the new Star Wars flick. I've never been a fan of the whole thing. I tend to fall asleep after 15 minutes. I didn't this time but still, it's not quite my cup of tea. Rey rocked though.

The other movie we saw was the last episode of the Hunger Games series. It was Ok but I have to admit I didn't quite get into it as I did for the first two. We watched the third one on the day before we went to the theater, couldn't quite get into it as well... Probbaly because I saw the first two such a long time ago, I forgot everything that had gone on.

Books in a tree by le Centre Pompidou.

Drawing that made me think of my Dad.

Going to the photo lab to drop some rolls and get back old ones.

mercredi 17 février 2016

A day at my Grand Pa's

Twice a month I go visit my Grand Pa. I've already said numerous times how I love him and that he's such good company. Always great talks, advice and food. So twice a month I go have lunch with him and then we go visiting some place or another, we come back and drink tea. And it's always a blast.

This time he made me Tartiflette, which is potatoes, cheese, onions and bits of lard and wine. It's of course delicious.

The view from his house.

 Selfie in the car window.

Going out.

I love how young he is at heart. He's always up for a cheesy pun and he rocks at using electronics, which is not the case of most people his age or younger (my parents for example, they can barely set the time of the dvd player).