mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Life On Film

Lately I've been taking a lot of film pictures with the canon A1. What a thrill to get ready for a picture, loadng the film, setting the timer whan I take a self-portrait, waiting to get the pictures back from the lab and finally having them in my hands. Every single one of these steps makes my heart race.

Overalls: gift I got for my birthday.

Another birthday gift.

Almost all of the brooches I made for Etsy

Little cashew.

Waiting for me to open the apartment door.

Nap time.

Guarding my sandals.


I see you!

Having a blast! We opened a bottle of wine and a red pepper spread that my parents brought us back from Spain. It was delicious! I have a bunch of pictures of this moment but all the other pictures are messed up. I guess I had a tad too much of wine and wasn't able to operate the camera properly anymore :) Plus, I made a huge stain on my shirt with the red pepper spread.I enjoyed myself a little bit too much. :)


My Mess

Tiny hanging Garden (and trash cans)
Stay tuned for more, in a week I'll get back 60 more pictures! :)

vendredi 10 juillet 2015

A Roll Of Self-Portraits and Other Things

A few weeks ago I started this roll with the main goal of taking as many self-portraits as I could.
It's pretty hard not to take a picture of yourself that is not blurry with a film camera. But it was a lot of fun. All the pictures I took of myself were at moments of leisure. Sheer joy and relaxation.
Let's start now, because the whole roll won't show itself. :)

First one of the roll: FAIL. Blurry.

Second one: FAIL. Back light. (What a rookie mistake btw)

Finally! With the additional challenge of posing with the cat. Not an easy challenge.

This series of the three pictures were taken during a moment of pure bliss. I was reading this awesome book, A Cupboard Full of Coats by Yvette Edwards, drinking wine, I was really enjoying myself. Plus the window was open and I could hear everything going on in the building court. Dishes clinking, people talking, our opera singer neighbour singing... And I could smell a lot of different things, food, laundry detergent of clothes hanging out to dry at the windows, cigarette... I trully enjoy this. Being able to feel life happening around me by the window.

Posing in the bathroom with the Zenit EM I just got in the mail.
Don't mind the disgusting looking window, we live in a very old apartment.

This is embarrassing. This is our living room on a particularly messy day. It's chaos. And it's all my fault. I make a mess everywhere I go.

Tea time. Always a blast.

The light bulb had just burnt out and I couldn't work without light so we installed the bed side lamp there. I thought it looked so cozy, I had to take pictures!

My bangs grew way too much.

Another book, another peaceful moment.

Just got back from the craft fair in Chatillon with my face painted. Good thing I didn't rely completely on my film camera and I took pics with the digital one as well because this pic is yet another fail. :)

Chilling (and showing off my scissors and thread tattoo)

Messing with Hopi who so doesn't care.

To finish up the roll, I decided to take pictures of me in front of my drawings. I'm planning on really doing something with them. I'm making more and more jewelry using them and I'm thinking of launching a crowd funding project in order to buy a badge making machine. 
I love drawing and I'd like to do more of that in the future.

jeudi 9 juillet 2015

Minolta X-500

Yesterday I got back the pictures from a couple of test rolls I shot with two cameras I bought off ebay. These pictures were taken with the Minolta X-500.

'It does not have anything to do with anything'

I took the camera for a test at the Père Lachaise cemetary a fews weeks ago and here is the result. I'm not thrilled, the pictures are only ok. But it's my fault as well, not only the camera's, because I shot pretty much anything in order to get the pictures developped fast to see if the camera was working.
The Minolta was very easy and nice to use.That's always nice but I find the colors pretty bland though.

I love the style of these huge paper stickers you can find all over Paris and I finally found out who was the artist behind them: Fred Lechevalier.

All of these street art pieces are right down our place.

Looks like I'm squinting... Don't like my face for sure on this picture...
(picture taken by Greg)

About a week ago we went out for beers at Greg's favorite bar. It reminded me of last October, we just got back from the airport after our trip to Chicago, we were completely jet-lagged and confused, we came there for a beer in the middle of the day. Vacation was over we had to go back to our regular life but with a lot of new plans and motivation because our trip had be so inspirationnal and just what we needed to clear our heads and come back stronger than ever job-wise.
I can't wait for the next trip because I'm running out of turbo right now.