mercredi 21 septembre 2016

Another Week in Toronto

And what a week!
I have to share, right now I'm watching the brandnew first episode of the 18th season of Law and Order SVU, and I'm so excited! I love this show! 

Anyway, we visited High Park this week and it was absolutely gorgeous. Probably one of my favorite spots in Toronto. So much wildlife! 

We saw so many chipmunks! We don't have those in France so it was pretty exciting. We are still hoping we'll see a racoon.

I bought some more books. 

Here are all of them minus one. 

We still have to go up the CN tower. It should be done some time next week.

Last sunday was Open Streets Toronto. Bloor st and Yonge st were closed to cars and open to pedestrians and cyclists. 
Loved it.

Yesterday was a special day. We went to Niagara Falls. One of the major things on our to do list. 
Last time I was there was 17 years ago.

It was a beautiful and warm day in a beautiful place.

The falls were awesome and I had no idea that the town behind was so fun. 

We even stumbled upon a car show.
We still have only a little over a week in  Toronto, too bad because I'm just getting comfortable.

mardi 13 septembre 2016

Food Porn and Other Things

We are almost halfway through our stay in Toronto. So many things we still want to do. We're trying to plan a day trip to Niagara Falls and it makes me so excited.

But now, let me talk about food.
I usually don't like mac and cheese, at all. But we found this place called Bobbie Sue's near the place we rented and it blows my mind. Such delicious cheese, so much flavour, I'm just making myself hungry again.

A few nights ago I cooked, steak and mashed potatoes. It is kind of weird when at home I cook every single day and on vacation we eat out for lunch and dinner everyday. Felt good to cook a meal myself, as simple as it was.

Pecan pies! How I love you!

Lunch in the park on sunday...

...followed by reading.

A beautiful walk we took by the waterfront. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous ever since we got here. I even got a tan. :o

I was craving snails ever since I saw them at the grocerie store the other day, yesterday night I caved. What a wonderful meal!!! Wine, snails, a nice salad and pecan pie for dessert... 

On today's walk.

Wendy by Walter Scott

Ooooh! This book! I first saw it after lunch in a museum gift shop. I was intrigued. I went through it really quickly, thought the graphics were nice and put it back on the shelf. On our way back tonight we stopped at an independent library by Trinity Bellwoods Park and it was there again. I bought it and I started reading it and just couldn't put it down.

I loved the story (a young artist in a big city trying to make it), the graphics, the quirkiness... I was so excited that I preordered the next volume that's going to come out in mid-november (on Amazon France though, maybe sooner in North America).

I love finding such wonderful things randomly.

samedi 10 septembre 2016

Hello from Toronto!

 This is an all instagram picture post. :p 
We have been in Toronto for a little over a week. It's cool. 
Not as cool as Chicago but cooler than Portland in my opinion.
We are dead tired from walking miles after miles everyday.
It is very hot and very humid. Which makes everything even more exhausting.

I'm having trouble with the Olympus OM2. I think the batteries died. I hope I'll still get a few pictures that are worthwhile.

Always on the hunt for bookstores. This is Eliot's on Yonge street, my favorite so far.

 We rented a place near Trinity bellwoods park. The area is packed with restaurants. Good ones. Everything is at a walking distance from our place.

Yesterday we walked by Olivia Wilde who was strolling down Queen st. We didn't talk to her but that was kind of fun.

I went swimming in Lake Ontario, and I'm hoping I will again soon.

These are a few of the things I wanted to remember through this post.