vendredi 29 mai 2015

My Brother's Cat

This is Spoon, my brother's cat. I hadn't seen him in a couple of years and he's only 4 :) 
Long time no see.
This is just a quick post about this adorable kitty.

My brother loves the brand Honda. I guess it's because our beloved Grand Pa used to own a dealership for this brand. Anyway, my brother named his cat Spoon because it's a branch of Honda motorcycles. :)

Spoon is a cutie. He's very soft. My brother brushes him every day apparently ^^

Flowers growing by my dream house...
It was a sweet day, seeing my Grand pa, my brother, his cat and the house I wished I lived in...

jeudi 28 mai 2015

Celia is Here!

After a month long waiting, I finally received Celia!!! I won her from an Instagram giveaway by Dark Manor Dolls. My first giveaway ever and I win!
I've been tracking her for weeks! She had been in Paris for two weeks and the USPS site showed they couldn't find the addressee (according to the tracking number). I was getting really nervous! But here she is!
I had a blast taking her to the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysée! Well, I didn't take pictures at the Champs Elysée, all I wanted to do was buy a bottle of water, so Celia stayed in my backpack :/ But she's been there! :p

This is Celia at the Louvre. It was pretty windy so she had to lose the hat.
 I love dolls! I have six Blythe dolls and they have been my favorite things to take pictures of for a while. I kind of lost interest in them for a while though but Celia reminded me of those times when my favorite models were dolls and how fun it was! The perfect model! No complaining, no whining, no need for make up... Always perfect!! :) Celia is even better! 
This hair!!! Celia's hair is so soft and light!!! Sheer joy!

Celia by the Seine.I can't wait to send Rose (the nice woman behind Dark Manor Dolls) a bunch of pictures from this day! I love taking pictures of people. Unfortunately people don't like to have their picture taken that much... Another reason why I love taking pictures of dolls.

Celia by the Eiffel tower. I used to come there every saturday when I was in college... 
Ha... Paris.... The love hate relationship I have with it... I was born in Paris. And for years(from age 2 to 18) I would be in Paris at least once a month to get my eyes checked (I had eyes surgery when I was 3).
I would also spend the Toussaint holidays (a couple of weeks in October celebrating our deads here in France) at my grand parents' in Paris. My father's parents. Real Parisians.
When I was in college I used to come to Paris every Saturday to shop for CDs. In Saint Michel. Probably my favorite area in Paris even now. I would buy my books for college there as well.
By the age of 25, I found a job in Paris. I was living quite far away and had to take a 1h30 commute every morning and every night. But that was fine. I loved living in the country every night and going to the big city every day. At one point I even thought about getting an Eiffel tower tattoo on my back or wrist.
I've been living in paris for 2 years and  half now. I still have mixed feeling about it. But I feel much better than I used to. This city used to scare me. Mostly because I don't live here because of the night life or the 'culture' (I picture the typical parisian as being a very sophisticated person, going to museums and concerts all the time and drinking beers at bars all over the city, I'm the opposite. I stay home all the time.)
I made my peace with the fact that I'm not a 20 something French person coming from anywhere in France to live in THE big city. Paris has always been in my life. I thought for a while I was afraid of it but I'm only afraid of people who live here( but only for a while and then go back most of the time to their home town or else). I don't want to be this cliché of a parisian French girl, all dolled up, drinking Starbucks coffee. It's just not me. I dress the same as I did in highschool. And all I want is do my thing, in my corner.

I also went to the movies to see Mad Max: Fury Road. Pretty cool movie!

And if you want to check out Rose's work, go to her shop. Her Instagram is pretty cool too! :)

mercredi 27 mai 2015

Drunken Manicure

The other night, I was home alone and decided to paint my nails after a few glasses of wine. I wanted to try the marble look when you drip your polish in a glass of water, one color after the other, mix it up a bit and plunge your fingers in. Couldn't do it. And I'm really sure it's not because I was tipsy! :) 
So I decided to go with the newspaper manicure that I did once before and turned out OK. All you need is a newspaper and some alcohol... The kind you use on wounds and scrapes.

It's a good thing I bought white nail polish a while ago. I was finally able to use it.
But instead of using the letters of the news paper, I used some images. There was this grid of tiny urban pictures. They seemed perfect! And I wanted weewee pictures for some reason, and BAM! The news paper I used had a couple of statue pictures with there thingy showing...

A naked woman from behind!! It's not that clear unfortunately... But I kind of like it anyway!


And the tiny penis... You have to know it's a penis to see it I guess... But it cracks me up. :)
I live in a Chinese neighborhood. I might look into the trash on the streets to find some Chinese newspaper to do it.
That was fun!!!

mercredi 20 mai 2015

Kitties + Cameras

This is what I've been doing all day... Kitties! Two are already sold, yay!

I've been waiting on a few packages from around the world. I ordered two cameras from eBay and I won a giveaway a month ago, I'm waiting for a beautiful art doll. Unfortunately the doll is stuck somewhere because my address couldn't be located... Wait, what?? Anyway, I'll go to the post office tomorrow to see if it's there. Not such a good mail week.
It took 2 weeks to the first camera I ordered to get to me, even though it was coming from France. The guy took his sweet time and in the end I can't open the battery compartment and the camera is not operational of course... It sucks because it seems like such a nice camera. Here it is:

It's a Minolta X-500.  I really hope I'll find a way to fix the problem.

And here is my little ray of sunshine coming from the UK in less than a week, with the sturdiest of packages, bubble wrap and all! 
I put a roll in it and started shooting. It's not the easiest of cameras to use but I'm very happy with my purchase. I hope I didn't mess up the pictures too bad and used the settings right. I'm really not sure I did.
As soon as I can I'll take a walk around Paris and shoot!

I'll now g back to my glass of wine...

mercredi 6 mai 2015

Latest Drawings, Making Jewelry

These last few days I've been drawing again. I haven't been able to work for my shop much. On monday I took a day off and went to the movies to see The Avengers, which was pretty cool. Then I spent the day shopping for DVDs and enveloppes... :) And I think I was more excited about getting the enveloppes rather than the DVDs :) I bought a box f 500 enveloppes, I really feel like I run a business. Even though it has been awfully quiet on the shop lately. Probably because I laid back a little... Anyway!
Yesterday our TV kind of exploded. It started smoking. I unplugged it and that was it. But I can't live without a TV. I spend my days in front of it sewing. So we took the next train to Epernon, to get my TV that has been all alone for 2 years and a half, waiting for me to pick it up. It's awesome, I love it! So much bigger than the previous TV!
That didn't leave much room for sewing and taking care of my onlne shop.
This morning I finally got the courage to get up 'early'(9:30), to print and turn my latest drawings into jewelry.

Here are the pendants I made. Blood, sweat and tears, really. I realy don't like making cabochon always have to make sure there is no bubbles, and everything is perfect... Not my thing. But I love the idea of putting my drawings out there and that some people are actually wearing them as jewelry!

This is Enora Tattoo. This serie is all about striped t-shirts and rose tattoos.

Ha! This one is kind of a future self portrait...Minus the red hair...Mine is solid black (especially since I dyed it 3 days ago). Last week I've been obsessed about getting another film camera off of eBay. I bid on a couple of them, I missed the first and I was bummed because it came with 3 lenses! My current film camera is a Canon a1 and I 'only' have 2 lenses for it.So I was pretty excited about getting one with 3 lenses. Well, I missed it. Only by a few euros. So I bid on a Minolta and I got it for 35€(including shipping fees). I made this drawing of a girl taking pictures with my new Minolta camera. And then I received an email teling me I got a second chance offer on the camera with the 3 lenses, a Zenit EM. I bought it telling myself it was my birthday gift to myself (my birthday is in a month and half).
I still haven't received any of them but I can't wait!!!

Here are the eBay pictures of the two cameras. There will be cool mail days in the future!!!

This is Little Parisian, the first one of the series.

And here is Penelope Green hair, glasses and tattoo.

Earrings! Yay!


My original drawings. :)