vendredi 31 mars 2017

Very Easy Loom Knit Sweater Dress DIY

A couple of months ago I got this idea in my head that I could make a sweater with my knitting looms. I couldn't find a tutorial of the way I pictured it in my head but I had to try.

It's really the simplest thing. I knit all these parts and I sewed them together. I was afraid the sweater would look a little wonky or would be uncomfortable in the sleeve area. I picked a fuzzy yarn that is really soft and flexible once knit.
What I didn't see coming was that I was knitting a dress, not a sweater :) I made it quite a bit too long but it's very confortable and feels great.

I bought this basket to store all my yarn. I love it :s 10€ at the BHV store.

Different parts

Counting rounds

Knitting sleeve

I added one triangle on each side so the sweater would be loose and not hug my Buddha belly.
It looks a little weird because it is so long but I'm wearing it on a daily basis when I'm home. It is very warm. And I was surprised to see it didn't unravel during the first wash.

It took me days, but I made it!!!

mardi 28 mars 2017

By The Sea

Walking the dog with a different meaning.

'A Merrien on fait rien'.
In Merrien, you do nothing

Beautiful Bretagne coast


Gorgeous little church.

Le Pouldu

We did a little photo shoot on the beach. Probably one of my favorite moments of the stay. This and the hours we spent talking.

Jess and Pity

Jess and Beefy

Jess showed me her entire book collection. She is one of the few people with whom I can talk about books for hours. She loves reading as much as I do.
I bought her a copy of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Purple Hibiscus while I was there with her. I loved this book so much.

dimanche 26 mars 2017

Pèche à la Palourde

We went looking for clams when the tide was low. Well, we didn't find many. One clam each.
But it was fun. Even though it was raining and I had a headache, I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I can cross it off my bucket list now :p

My own personnal clam.

vendredi 24 mars 2017

A Few Days in Bretagne

In February I spent a few days in Bretagne, and the change of scenary felt good.
This is Quimperlé, near Quimper.
I got to see one of my closest friend, Jess. It felt even better.

This is where I bought very fresh oysters. Yum!

mercredi 22 mars 2017


Three pairs of shoes on sale.

Custom Cheshire cat brooch for a costumer.

Nail polish never dries fast enough and it drives me nuts.

Some time in Beaubourg.

Crane on the neighbour's roof at my Grand Pa's.

Close to Chinese New Year

Happy dude and chinese food.

lundi 20 mars 2017

First Day Of The Year At The Window

I've been waiting for this since late august last year. I have spent such an awesome 2016 spring/summer reading book after book by my open window, among my flowers and plants.
These pictures are from February and I've only done it twice this year, including Sunday before last. This fills me with joy.

I'm still planning on reading as many books as I can in 2017.
Today I started to reorganize my 'hanging garden' on my window sill. I bought seeds and jasmine. I'm just waiting for everything to sprout now.

Something tells me that these are far from the last pictures of me reading by the window that I'll post here.

samedi 18 mars 2017

Hats for Friends

I loom knit hats for a couple of friends. For the first two I followed the DIYs of Tuteate on YouTube. So easy, so well done. Everything is crystal clear in these videos.

The last one is just a basic knit hat.

vendredi 17 mars 2017


This winter I caved in and bought a raclette appliance for two. It's like a tiny grill with two skillets, you put raclette cheese (or whatever cheese really) you'd like to have melted and BAM! Melted cheese.
I had never owned one of these and I'm really wondering why it took me so long. Probably because these appliances are usually sold to make raclette for 6 or 8 people, and we are only 2. But I found one on sale for 20€ so...

We had a few raclette meals with lots of wine and charcuterie. I, of course, ate way too much but how heavenly this all was! 
It's really the type of meal where everyone has to be gathered around the table and the machine. Lately we haven't been using the table a lot so it was nice to have a nice little ('little' is just a figure of speech) meal this way.

Raclette machine in all its glory.

Picture of trash, yeah I know... It's kind of hard to spot but we threw away the second glass we found on the curb in Toronto. It broke. Never thought they would last that long. I thought they would break on the way from Toronto to home. 

But no, we enjoyed two beautiful martini glasses that we got for free on a trip for a few months. That's it. Just wanted to pay triBute.
RIP beautiful glasses. Much too delicate for our rough ways.