mercredi 6 mai 2015

Latest Drawings, Making Jewelry

These last few days I've been drawing again. I haven't been able to work for my shop much. On monday I took a day off and went to the movies to see The Avengers, which was pretty cool. Then I spent the day shopping for DVDs and enveloppes... :) And I think I was more excited about getting the enveloppes rather than the DVDs :) I bought a box f 500 enveloppes, I really feel like I run a business. Even though it has been awfully quiet on the shop lately. Probably because I laid back a little... Anyway!
Yesterday our TV kind of exploded. It started smoking. I unplugged it and that was it. But I can't live without a TV. I spend my days in front of it sewing. So we took the next train to Epernon, to get my TV that has been all alone for 2 years and a half, waiting for me to pick it up. It's awesome, I love it! So much bigger than the previous TV!
That didn't leave much room for sewing and taking care of my onlne shop.
This morning I finally got the courage to get up 'early'(9:30), to print and turn my latest drawings into jewelry.

Here are the pendants I made. Blood, sweat and tears, really. I realy don't like making cabochon always have to make sure there is no bubbles, and everything is perfect... Not my thing. But I love the idea of putting my drawings out there and that some people are actually wearing them as jewelry!

This is Enora Tattoo. This serie is all about striped t-shirts and rose tattoos.

Ha! This one is kind of a future self portrait...Minus the red hair...Mine is solid black (especially since I dyed it 3 days ago). Last week I've been obsessed about getting another film camera off of eBay. I bid on a couple of them, I missed the first and I was bummed because it came with 3 lenses! My current film camera is a Canon a1 and I 'only' have 2 lenses for it.So I was pretty excited about getting one with 3 lenses. Well, I missed it. Only by a few euros. So I bid on a Minolta and I got it for 35€(including shipping fees). I made this drawing of a girl taking pictures with my new Minolta camera. And then I received an email teling me I got a second chance offer on the camera with the 3 lenses, a Zenit EM. I bought it telling myself it was my birthday gift to myself (my birthday is in a month and half).
I still haven't received any of them but I can't wait!!!

Here are the eBay pictures of the two cameras. There will be cool mail days in the future!!!

This is Little Parisian, the first one of the series.

And here is Penelope Green hair, glasses and tattoo.

Earrings! Yay!


My original drawings. :)

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