mercredi 26 février 2014


Since I got my sewing machine I try to make as many different things as I  can and I try to find new projects that I think will be fun.

So today I thought, what about quilting? I have so many different fabrics, some of them are 'old', I bought them 6 years ago when I started to collect blythe dolls and I wanted to make doll clothes. Some of them were a gift from my mom, sponsoring as she says, that she brought back from the USA. I thought it would be a great way to display all of the fabrics I own and keep track of them.

I did the quilt really fast, so it's not really even, but I like it anyways. I just wanted to see if quilting was hard. I don't know if I did it right but it was not that hard. It's really exciting to see all the pieces coming together and making a big piece :p

I don't know yet what I'll do with it but I'm just happy I gave it a try :p

I also made a bunch of felt portraits in frames. I'm quite happy with this one

It's the first time I make one with this style, I'll do it again! It was fun and I like how it turned out!

Now I'm off to make some soup, yay!

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