vendredi 1 janvier 2016

2015 Readings

I didn't read as much as I wanted to in 2015, but I read 13 books, 4093 pages.

My favorite reading was A Cupboard Full of Coats by Yvette Edwards. I bought it in Chicago just because the cover appealed to me. Of course you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover but I sure love to do that.
The story was good, a young woman pretty broken up tries to decypher what went wrong in her life with the help of an old family friend. I loved the atmosphere. Food was a very important element of the story and for some reason it soothed me.
It was an easy read, and I just couldn't put it down until I was finished.

These two I really liked.
Their Eyes Were Watching God byZora Neale  Hurston was the last book I read in 2015. I had a hard time getting into it, because there is a lot of dialogue and as the author calls it, it's 'a Negro way of saying'. Not easy, especially when english is not your mother tongue. I also had troubles with the story in the beginning, a woman getting married a first time to someone she doesn't love, she runs away, repeat. Then she finally meets a man she falls in love with, then the real story begins. At least that how I felt about it. But in the end it was quite a pleasant book to read and I guess I'm quite a sucker for southern tales.

Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami: I really enjoyed the Wind Up Bird Chronicles, so I thought it would be nice to read another book by Murakami. And I was right, it was nice. Easy read, kind of mysterious, cool characters... The only thing that bothered me was that the story was kind of similar to The Wind Up Bird. I liked the book nonetheless.

Here is a bunch of books I quite liked.
Petit Cours d'Autodefense Intellectuelle by Normand Baillargeon. Very interesting read. How to spot, I want to say wind talking, but I really don't think it's how you say it. What I mean is when people are talking to say nothing and want to make you think what they are saying is relevant and important but it's just wind. Very useful book and I'm trying to use what I learnt from it on an every day basis. ;)

The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler: Of course I loved the atmospere and the humour. Not too much my kind of story though.

Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie: Good summer book. Easy read and eventful story. But what I'm saying is old news.

Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton: I've read so much Crichton in the last couple of years. It's all good and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Fun and easy read. I'm always impressed about how versatile his stories are. He treats so many different themes.

Not-so-crazy-about books.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden: I guess corny is the word I would use to describe this book. I couldn't put it down though, I guess it has this car wreck quality, you just can't look away. That is a very mean thing to say, I know. But not a big fan, at all.

Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis: After reading American Psycho, last year I think, Glamorama couldn't top it even before I started reading it. Not my cup of tea but worth the read.

Lord of The Flies by William Golding: Not too psyched about this book. Didn't quite like the story. I know what I was getting into, I knew I wouldn't be thrilled but it is a book you've got to give a read.

White Noise by Don DeLillo: It reminded me of a Tom Sharpe book but without the humour.

Pygmy by chuck Palahniuk: Very very hard to read in English for my little French brain. Broken English was a real drag to read for me. Didn't get to enjoy the story much because of it. Got a few smiles out of me though because some situations were just hilarious (I never laugh out loud when reading a book, the best I can do when it's funny is smile)

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky: Another book that had been on my reading list for quite a while because it's just another book you've got to read at least once in your life. Bottom line: I'm not too crazy about classics. I mean, most of the time.

Couldn't finish this one, I really tried though but gave up after about 200 pages. I got very bored :s

Ghost World by Daniel Clowes: Overdue. It was my first time reading it. It was awesome of course.

I really hope I will read more in 2016, I'll do my best for sure! I have a huge pile of books I have to read so I shouldn't run out of material. Well, I kind of hope I do, book shopping is one of my favorite kind of shopping, if not my number one favorite. ;)

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