jeudi 25 août 2016

Olympus OM2 Test Roll

Not the most flattering picture of myself. 
Anyway, after finding the Canonet at my grand father's I found the Olympus OM2. Which was perfect timing since my Canon A1 broke at this exact time.
It's not as easy to use as the Canon but it will do. Besides, I spent 10 years using the Canon, so I just can't switch that easily.

My favorite place in the world right now. My reading nook by the window. And yes, I'm writing this post in this spot.

Turn on a blow dryer and he falls asleep in a second. I'm not emphasizing.


Rather disappointed by this Murakami (Wild Sheep Chase).

Finally a picture where he is awake.

Handsome man. That's what he wore for my birthday in the heart of june.

I'm not 5, I'm 32. :p

My brother made me this awesome Kinder birthday cake. I'm still working on eating all the chocolate. I had to leave most of it at my Grand Pa's so I wouldn't eat everything in a few sittings. I bring back a handful everytime I visit. I'm groing up and becoming reasonnable.

Piles everywhere. Since I can't seem to find a good bookshelf.

I'm pretty happy about this camera. From now on it will replace my Canon. I don't really have a choice but I'm quite glad. I might buy a new Canon body someday. If I can't get over  it.

But Olympus OM2 = going to Toronto, and Bretagne, and Memphis. That's for sure.

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