vendredi 9 mai 2014

Cheese Puffs Recipe - Easy and Delicious

Yesterday I made cheese puffs and thought this recipe was too good not to share!
In France these are called 'gougères', I've always heard that they are very hard to make. But they are not! Even with our whimiscal oven, it's very easy.

So you need:
- 4eggs
-  150gr grated cheese
-150 gr flour
-80gr butter
-salt and pepper

Hihi! :)

First put the butter to melt in a sauce pan with 25cl of water. At this point you can add salt, I didn't do that because I always use salted butter. It's great for pastries, it gives a little extra something which is very nice.

Once the butter is melted, you can add the flour after taking the sauce pan away from the burning stove. Mix it until it's nice and smooth.
Then put it back on the burning stove for about a minute. Turn off the stove, you won't need it anymore.

Then add the eggs, one at a time. Mix well between putting each egg.

Then add the cheese and pepper. Mix again.
I made them with chunk of blue cheese the other. It was nice as well! I guess you can make them with all kinds of different cheese as long as the chunks are small enough.

Now you can put the dough in a plastic bag. I didn't have any made for cooking so I used these very tough enveloppes I bought and never use. They are very resistant.

Cut a hole on the pointy tip of your bag. Then shape your puffs. Et voila!

You just have to put them in the oven now, until they are a nice golden color and they are done! :)
As for the temperature, I have no idea, since our oven is old and the temperature is very random. I would say it's the same temperature I would use to bake pizza. :s 

Some are without any cheese in this batch. I made whipped cream and there was a dessert :)

I'm very happy about this! :) My Mom gave me 'muguet' and we bought basil, terrified my cat would eat them and scatter the dirt all over the place but he didn't! So I found a spot for them by the window, and now all I can think about is getting more plants!
My previous cat wouldn't let them a chance to grow. He would eat them, scratch them, pee in the pots... But Hopi is much nicer to plants! :D

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