mercredi 5 mars 2014

Day 5 - Portrait and Reflex Camera

Today I actually didn't do a whole drawing, bad me! I've been really busy shopping....  Yep, bad me again...
I bought a camera... Knowing that I bought one last week makes me even naughtier!!! Well, this time it's a reflex!
It was second hand and it was a steal!(250€) I couldn't resist. Especially after I took this first picture in the store to check it out, I was in love! I had to have it! I've been wanting to have a reflex for so looong!
It's a Canon Rebel T1i. :)

I have seen so many great pictures taken by this camera on Flickr! It's 5 years old but it's pretty awesome! 

Here is the one I bought last week :) It's nice to have the option to bring along a tiny camera. It's also a Canon. I love this brand!!! My first digital camera was a Canon, one of the first Ixus, and I used to take pictures during concerts with it and they were pretty neat for such a small camera! 

Me after my purchase, all happy on the streets of Paris :)

And for now, the drawing of the day, and I have to be honest, it kind of sucks... :p
And if I wanna be even more honest, I actually only did the outline today...The whole drawing was actually done yesterday. When I say I'm bad! But hey! I didn't have the time today! Shopping is a full time job :)

During my shopping spree, I found a bunch of books (3 by Chrichton, I love him, he's genius! One by Hawthorne, I was looking for this one, and my boyfriend got me one as well :) The wind-up bird chronicle by Murakami; I LOVE when he buys me books!! We got a few movies as well.
I also got a load of pens... and yarn, exciting, uh?

Let's stop for today with this picture of 'bouche rose' (pink mouth as I call him), the cutest of the cute.

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