samedi 22 octobre 2016

Books In Toronto

Haha! Poor Greg, I took him to a bunch of bookshops, multiple times, bought quite a few books and stuffed his luggage with them...
But boy, how I enjoyed book shopping in Toronto!
Especially at Eliot's book shop on Yonge, but also Doug Miller's on Bloor, as well as BMV on Bloor as well. 

I can gladly say that my new year's resolution of reading a lot is still going strong, well maybe not right now, but in Toronto I found the time to read and found great books. And I'm planning on resuming my reading frenzy as soon as I come back from Memphis on october 4th.

Here are a bunch of the books I brought back.
Here in Memphis, I haven't find a bookshop yet. And I can't even find one on google that's not really far away from our hotel. Good thing I loaded up in Canada.

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