dimanche 2 octobre 2016

DIY Old T-shirts Rug

Sorting clothes at my grand parents, I found a lot of old T-shirt too old and shabby to donate and perfect to make something I had wanted to try for a while. A braided rug.
I used this DIY by My Poppet. I love this blog. Her pictures are always beautiful, and her instructions crystal clear. And also, she has the best ideas for DIY projects, always original and fresh.

I cut the shirts and made balls of yarn. It took me quite a while. But that was fun.

I watched Law and Order SVU all the time I was making the rugs. That is hours on end.
I did a couple of them since our place is really small, one big one would have been hard to find a spot for.

I hated every single second of the braiding process. But, as you can see with the number of pictures I took of my big ball of braided yarn, I loved the finish product though.

Unfortunatelly, I wasn't able to assemble the rug with my sewing machine. The braid was too thick, so I had  to handsew the whole thing . Which was fine, hard on my poor hands but kind of fun.

Got a little crazy with my ball.

Let's take a minute and appreciate yet again the love I bore for my ball of braided yarn.
(plus it smelled like the laundry detergent my grand parents used. Love the memories)

Some more love for my ball.

I found this in my grand mother's things, she hadn't finished it. So I'll try to finish it and make something out of it.

I don't have a good picture of my finished rugs, they'll appear here and there, bits and pieces in the next posts. 

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