mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Portland On Film #1

Today I got back my Portland films from the lab, all 9 of them. That was a lot of work to scan them all and put them in the right order.

These are from a wonderful night we had at eliptic brewery at the beginning of our stay. After walking all day (approx 12miles) we stopped there, it was pouring rain we had a couple of beers on the patio that was all to ourselves.

It's hard to speak about something that happened more than a month ago now. It's kind of heartbreaking as well, I wish I was still in Portland.

I practiced taking self-portraits some more. I love it because it reminds me of what was going through my head at that very moment. Well, it was mostly how to take the picture. The one above I took on a sunday evening we had spent all day inside and did nothing besides watching TV. I guess I was quite bored and feeling like we wasted the whole day.

Then we decided to go out for a beer a block away and met some sweet people. I surprised myself by being more outgoing than usual. We had an awesome time.

Latest pictures from the roll our from a walk we took to what we thought would be a beautiful big lake but turned out to be a big swamp... At the time it seemed like only disappointement and exhaustion but now it is a pretty sweet memory of a walk through the woods and nature. 
You can see all of my film pictures here.

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